On May 7, 2014, at 12:23 PM, P Vixie <p...@redbarn.org> wrote:
> Centralized rdns is not necessary and it makes the internet brittle. Better 
> alternatives exist. The architecture of DNS assumes localized rdns. If we're 
> going to document client subnet then all that advice will have to go into it.

While I am sure many readers will sympathize with your point about centralized 
rdns, it's worth noting that it's equally true that relying on topology to 
determine the answer that the resolver gives to certain queries is also 
brittle.  The "architectural assumption" you are claiming is not actually an 
architectural assumption in the DNS protocol, but rather an assumption commonly 
made by a particular (admittedly fairly important) set of publishers of DNS 
data, because it is convenient to do so.

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