On 1 May 2015, at 08:31, Patrik Fältström <p...@frobbit.se> wrote:

> Also note that there are ccTLDs allocated for codes that are not registered 
> in ISO3166 (UK, EU etc).

IIUC these two are on the 3166 list as exceptionally reserved codes.

> Suggested new text:
> ccTLD -- A TLD that is allocated to distinct economies.  Historically, these 
> were two-letter TLDs, and were allocated to economies using the two letter 
> code for the economy taken from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard [ISO3166] 
> although exceptions exists. In recent years, there have been allocations of 
> TLDs that conform to IDNA2008 ([RFC5890], [RFC5891], [RFC5892], [RFC5893], 
> and [RFC5894]); these are still treated as ccTLDs for policy purposes.

I think it is unwise to use terms like "economies". Some ccTLDs on ISO 3166 are 
uninhabited and/or have no economy. Mentioning allocation could raise the 
unwelcome issue of who/what these TLDs get allocated to.

This definition may be better:

ccTLD -- A two letter string taken from the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard 
[ISO3166] although there are some exceptions. TLDs conforming to IDNA2008 
([RFC5890-4]) have been created for some of these ccTLD and these IDNA2008 
strings are treated as ccTLDs for policy purposes.

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