Greetings. As you can see, draft-ietf-dnsop-terminology-bis-09.txt is out. Reading the diff might be a bit difficult because of the reorganization of some sections that y'all asked for, but I think the result is worth the extra effort.

We're still not done yet. I took a hiatus from finishing the list of definitions that people wanted more scrutiny on, but will start that again soon. I hope we'll be done with that list by mid-April and then be ready for WG last call.

As a side note, some of the changes in this version came from people reading the document fresh. I encourage folks who were maybe waiting for WG Last Call to do a first deep reading of the document to instead do so now. The work that everyone is doing on this document will go a long way to making the final RFC more valuable for lots of folks entering the field.

--Paul Hoffman

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