>In fact, roaming wi-fi 
>connections, while still relevant (especially for international tourists), are
> getting less and less used, since everyone now gets several gigabytes of EU-w
>ide mobile data per month included with their base mobile fee.

I assume that you are aware that with HD video, you can easily burn through a
couple of Gbyte in an hour.

>How many browsers can I choose from? Definitely many less than the possible IS
>Ps, and not a single one from the jurisdiction I live in.

Many places have essentially two landline options. Only 3 mobile network is
also quite common. 

In addition, two serious browsers are open source. And there are firefox
forks that try to fix some of the damage done by mozilla.

>> There are many ISPs that try to do the right thing for their customers.
>> There are quite a few ISPs that have court orders to do things that go again
>st the interests of their customers.
>Yes, but that's the law. I still don't get how is it possible that the IETF is
> releasing a technology openly designed to allow people to break the law. In m
>y part of the world, this is ethically unacceptable, and possibly also illegal

It is not that black and white. In the Netherlands, a few ISPs are forced to
block access to The Pirate Bay.

That court order applies only to those ISPs, consumers are completely free
to visit The Pirate Bay.

>No, they can't, if the application defaults to its own resolvers, possibly not
> even letting the user choose different resolvers unless they click into three
>-level-deep configuration menus.

Anybody can write an application that does weird stuff. That's not something
a RFC can prevent.

>> The big difference is that when the user does decide to bypass the ISP's
>> resolvers, there will be no way for the ISP to interfere.
>Good luck explaining that to several hundred governments that rely on mandator
>y DNS filters to enforce gambling, hate speech and pornography regulation.

Governments will figure out that eventually protocols that communicate in
plaintext will die out. Of course, they can mandate the use of plaintext in
their respective countries, at their own economic disadvantage.

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