FWIW, there's still always
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-dnsop-eden-alias-rr-type/  (also
available at https://github.com/aeden/alias-rr-type) which can be revived
if there is interest.

Anthony Eden

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 9:56 AM Tony Finch <d...@dotat.at> wrote:

> I think there's still a need to standardize ANAME, to provide at least
> some level of zone file portability between the various existing
> proprietary versions of this feature. And to provide something usable
> by zone publisters on a much shorter timescale than a nsa SRV-alike.
> So here's a sketch of a reduced ANAME:
> Primary servers / zone provisioning
> -----------------------------------
> For each ANAME record, poll the target address records periodically
> (according to the relevant TTLs). When the target addresses don't
> match the owner's addresses, UPDATE the zone so they match.
> Authoritative servers / zone transfers
> --------------------------------------
> No special new behaviour.
> Additional section processing
> -----------------------------
> This applies to auth and rec servers. In response to an A / AAAA /
> ANAME query, include any sibling A / AAAA / ANAME records, and any
> ANAME target A / AAAA records. When DO=1, include DNSSEC proofs of
> nonexistence for missing RRsets.
> As usual for additional section processing, you don't have to include
> records that aren't available, so (for instance) auth servers don't
> have to include out-of-zone data in the response.
> Recursive servers
> -----------------
> When responding to a query with DO=0 or when the ANAME owner's zone is
> unsigned, a recursive server can substitute the target addresses in
> place of the owner's addresses.
> Rationale
> ---------
> The primary server behaviour is an "as if" description: that's what
> it looks like for the purpose of interop with secondary servers and
> zone files.
> There doesn't seem to be any point in making secondary servers do
> anything: their view of the target address records will be just as
> wrong or right as the primary server's. Zone publishers that want
> clever auth servers will use some kind of multi-headed CDN distributed
> stunt DNS server, and we aren't going to standardize that.
> Putting cleverness in resolvers compensates for the lack of cleverness
> in secondary servers.
> Tony.
> --
> f.anthony.n.finch  <d...@dotat.at>  http://dotat.at/
> Hebrides: Cyclonic 5 to 7 becoming west or southwest 7 to severe gale 9.
> Rough
> or very rough becoming very rough or high. Showers. Good, occasionally
> poor.
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