Hi Nils and Peter,

Thanks for your email regarding the process.

On 14/09/2023 09:53, Peter Thomassen wrote:
Unlike draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc8109bis which has been adopted only in June 2023, draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-bootstrapping has been sitting there, with several implementations and without any modifications (beyond minor editorial), for over a year.

The authors have been interacting with the chairs a few times since the beginning of the year, to see if anything needs to be done for the draft to advance. In the process, we have been told (in May) that an announcement for WGLC readiness would be sent to the WG list, and later that WGLC would be started before IETF 118. Once IETF 118 was over, the draft was listed first in the Chairs Actions. Now it's been postponed again.

We'd like to take the opportunity of this WGLC thread to express our confusion about the situation. We would be grateful if the chairs could clarify the situation, and identify, on the list, any potential issues that might keep draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-bootstrapping from advancing so that they can be addressed properly (if any).

As Tim mentioned, the chairs paused WGLC or WG Call for Adoptions in August and are now starting the chairs action points in September. Your draft-ietf-dnsop-dnssec-bootstrapping document is scheduled immediately after this WGLC. We will contact you and Nils next week before sending the WGLC to the DNSOP mailing list.

Apologies for the delays. While balancing the work in the DNSOP WG, your draft was delayed during the summer months.


-- Benno

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