On 25 April 2018 at 04:13, Paul Vixie <p...@redbarn.org> wrote:

> dnstap is now years old. i don't expect it to change its on-wire format.
>> But it would be really good to move away from a proprietary format.
> i don't think it's proprietary in any sense. google open sourced it.
> what i'm hoping is that the first dnstap file ever recorded will always be
> readable, just as the first dns-containing pcap file will always be.
> movement for the sake of movement is not what i'd call good engineering.

I think it's no secret that a group of us have been working on writing a
clear specification for the current implementations of dntap.  The goal is
to get that specification published, and then start work on a version 2 to
make it better.  One of the benefits of using protobufs is that we can
easily do that in a backward compatible way.

I like C-DNS for long term storage, but even its creators agree that it's
not particularly good at streaming data, which is a basic requirement of
any useful dnstap deployment.  So, I don't see us moving in that
direction.  Someone might want to write a dnstap->C-DNS converter for long
term storage, however.
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