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I've received notes from as far away as Latvia based on my "I might
be in DC note."  So ...

Come one, come all to the Politics Online Conference in Washington,
DC.  This is the most established "e-politics" conference in the
world.  It will take you into the inside of the 2004 US campaign
online and open your eyes to inside the beltway e-advocacy and how it
relates (or doesn't) to the rest of the e-democracy world.

See their site for registration and fee details:


The full agenda is below.

I'll be part of the "How to Start an Online Movement from Scratch"
panel session. I encourage all DoWire members to say hello and we
will probably be able to meet at some point.

* Independent E-Democracy Global Trends Seminar - Tentative

On that note, I am planning my own 3 hour e-democracy seminar in DC
either the morning of Thursday, March 10 or the afternoon of
Wednesday, March 9.  The fee and place have not been set. If you are
interested, drop me a note: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

An older version of my main "global" slides are available from:
>From a global perspective I'll cover e-democracy trends, e-activism,
and e-participation in government. The last two sections are
completely new - unless you attended my New Zealand all day seminars.
:-) My recent interview with the E-Government Bulletin
<http://www.headstar.com/egb/> will give you a flavor of the
international scope I bring to my presentations:

* Finally - How about a local DC Issues Forum?

I've spoken to a number of you over the years about setting up a DC
E-Democracy.Org chapter.  All we need is someone to step forward as a
forum manager and at least 5 people for a steering committee. Then we
can work some magic: http://www.e-democracy.org/uk/guide.pdf
Building on the many excellent neighborhood e-mail lists in DC, a
facilitated city-wide non-partisan, non-profit local issues forum
that is 100% local could help set an e-democratic example for the

Steven Clift
http://www.publicus.net/new.html - Note an update on my UK projects.


The Conference will be held on March 10th - 11th, 2005 at The George
Washington University's Marvin Center, 800 21st St NW, Washington,

The 2005 Politics Online Conference will be the largest Conference to
date, featuring over 70 speakers and expanded to a one and a half day
format comprising 15 breakout sessions, 2 plenary sessions, 2 evening
cocktail events, a keynote luncheon and the Politics Online
Conference Great Debate.

Day 1 of the conference will commence at 1:45 pm on Thursday, March
10th, 2005 (registration will begin at 1:00pm).

Day 2 of the conference will commence at 9:00 am on Friday, March
11th, 2005 (second day registration will begin at 8:00 am on level



The 12th Politics Online Conference will take place on March 10-11,
2005 and will feature plenary sessions with speakers involved in
Internet politics, keynote speeches with leading Internet and
political figures, and breakout sessions on topics including online
fundraising, organizing and campaigning.

Day One - March 10

(2:00 - 2:15 PM)

(2:15 - 4:30 PM)

Reviewing Election 2004:
The Good, the Bad and the Downright Nasty

Now that the election is over, Internet political moguls and the
online teams from both Presidential campaigns will engage in a no
holds barred analysis discussing how each of the major campaigns
utilized the Internet to garner support, the role of the Internet in
empowering small donors, and the use and possible misuse of 527s in
the 2004 election.

(4:45 - 5:45 PM)
Reaching Out with Online Technology
(Room TBA)
 Rich Text, Video, RSS, Blogs, Animation, and other tech-head
delights. Our panel of experts will discuss how new online
technologies were utilized in election 2004 and their expanding role
in Internet politics and future campaigns.

All Politics Is Local:
The Best of the State and Local Internet Campaigns in 2004
(Room TBA)
 Far from dwelling in the shadows of the Presidential campaign
Internet behemoths, many state and local campaigns saw the huge
potential of the Internet and created some of the most innovative and
groundbreaking web strategies seen on the Web to date. These
campaigns represent the real future of Internet politics, moving far
beyond mere fundraising and targeted e-mail to create a seamless join
of virtual and the traditional campaigns.

How to Start an Online Movement from Scratch
(Room TBA)
 Got a burning idea or cause? Is there an issue, a ballot proposition
or rebuttal yearning to take root? Want to jump on the “527”
bandwagon? The Internet empowered numerous groups to enter the 2004
election debate thereby trailblazing a path for future political
pundits and activists. Our panelists will explain exactly how it was
done, who did it best and how you can create the next Internet
politics wave.

(6:00 – 8:00 PM)

It has been a long day, and you definitely deserve some relaxation
time and a cool drink. Get to know your fellow conference attendees
and prepare for Day Two at our opening night cocktail party.


(9:00– 10:30 AM)

And Now For the Next Four Years:
Shaping the Future of Internet Politics

Day 2 starts off answering possibly the most important question of
the 2005 Politics Online Conference: where do we go now? That’s why
we have brought out the heavy artillery to debate, discuss, muse,
pontificate and generally help shape the future direction of Internet
politics. Top campaign representatives, e-governance specialists,
online communication gurus and groundbreaking academics give us their
insights and then chew over your questions and thoughts. Audience
participation is encouraged and highly sought after.

(Look for our Post-Conference report that will expand on the ideas
and issues raised in this panel)

(10:45 – 11:45 AM)

Micro-Targeting: The Marriage of Behavioral Research and Political
(Room TBA)
 Create an exquisitely fine-tuned, intensely targeted list of the
likeliest people to support your candidate, your issue or your cause.
Our experts will explain what is available, what is effective, what
should be avoided, what it all costs and most importantly, how to use

Get the Message: Communicating Online for Non-Profits
(Room TBA)
 You may have the greatest issue or the most worthy cause but if you
don’t know how to use the Web to communicate your message, you may be
the only one that knows about it. This panel of industry specialists
will share their experience and knowledge and teach you state-of-the-
art methods for communicating online.

The Internet Cash-Cow: Fundraising Online
(Room TBA)

Sponsored by:

 Millions of dollars raised online; small donors making up the bulk
of election contributions; fundraising that is cost-efficient and
virtually immediate. No, it’s not a pipedream; it's political fact.
Only the Internet has been able to deliver where campaign finance
reforms have failed: the dilution of the power of big money and the
rise of citizen participation in the political process. These
fundraising successes can easily be transferred into the issue-
advocacy and non-profit world, and many more campaigns and
initiatives can learn from newly developed techniques and

Tracking the Buzz through Blogs
(Room TBA)
 Blogs have empowered the online citizen and helped diffuse the
homogeneity of the traditional media. Consequently, they have caused
a dramatic shift in the make-up of the PR playing field. Its not a
matter of sending out press releases anymore. Smart PR execs and
organizations are now monitoring the bloggerati and joining the
discussion to hit key constituencies and influencers through the

(12:00 – 1:00 PM)

Influentials, e-fluentials and Internet Elites
(Room TBA)

Sponsored by:

 The Influentials are the ones who tell everyone who to vote for,
where to eat, and what to buy. They are overwhelmingly Internet
savvy, clearing the way for the masses to follow. Find out the top
issues that concern these Internet elites and discover how you can
harness their energy for your cause. New data you don’t want to miss!

Online Advertising
(Room TBA)

Sponsored by:

 Candidates, political committees and ballot initiatives purchased
$15.7 million in online political advertising in 2004. Find out what
worked, what didn’t and what to expect in 2006.

United We Stand: Online Mobilization and Constituent Relationship
(Room TBA)

Sponsored by:

 Mobilization underscored every successful grassroots campaign over
the last 12 months and will play a key role in grassroots efforts for
the foreseeable future. If you fail to understand its importance and
power, you do so at your peril. Online mobilization is cheap, local
and quick. Our panelists will discuss recent innovations and will
also open up the panel to insights from the entire audience about new
ways to activate your constituents.

Innovations and Successes of Online Issue Advocacy
(Room TBA)
 Issue advocacy groups are driving online political discussion,
reaching out via the web to increase their exposure, drawing new
supporters and raising much needed cash. We will bring together some
leaders in the field of online issue advocacy to discuss their recent
innovations and gloat over their successes. This is your chance to
discover their secrets and take advantage of their combined

(1:00 - 3:00 PM)

(3:10 – 4:10 PM)

On the Frontier: New Faces, New Voices, New Visions
(Room TBA)
 The best and the brightest of the new guard in Internet politics
assemble to discuss their vision for online politicking, how they
achieved their success and why it has to be “their way or the
information super highway.” Look out Internet “old timers” -- these
young guns are firing and ready to take you down!

What Savvy Corporate Types Can Teach Politicos about the Internet
(Room TBA)
 Psst!! Online commercial players are 2-5 years ahead of their
political contemporaries. If you want to know what lies just over
your horizon, take a look at what they’re doing today.

Politics Online Goes Global: What’s Hot Across the Planet
(Room TBA)
 Internet Politics isn’t just influential in America, it now has a
global audience and some International players who are harnessing the
power of going online to deliver their message. This panel will
combine some of the most cutting edge overseas protagonists as well
as some home grown talent to discuss how Internet politics is
flourishing around the world, assisting worthy causes, as well as a
selection of very dubious organizations.

Social Software: Creating an Online Community
(Room TBA)
 They say “the good things in life are free” and they weren’t
kidding. From ‘meetup’ to ‘friendster’ to organizing parties with
‘Evite’, social software allows you to build your own online
community and join with other likeminded souls. Discover how your
organization can utilize social software innovations.

(4:30 – 5:50 PM)

Battle to the Death!
Can the Old Media Fend off its New Media Foe?

Blogs, online journals and Internet news sites have all increased
their exposure exponentially over the last 12 months. Have they
finally begun to eat into the market share of the traditional media?
Should network news, radio, and newspapers be looking over their
respective shoulders at the charging hordes of online media outlets?
The Politics Online Conference Great Debate is the most anticipated
session of the conference, and that is why we have saved the best for
last. This will be politics “unusual” as our cast of contentious but
brilliant panelists go toe-to-toe in the ultimate debate smack-down.
You will definitely laugh, you may even cry, but we guarantee you a
highly entertaining and thought-provoking debate.

(6:00 – 8:00 PM)

Join us to toast the Golden Dot Award Winners

Live Jazz, great food and well-deserved drinks await you at the final
cocktail party of the 2005 Politics Online Conference. This is your
last and best chance to network and mingle as well as to raise your
glasses to the winner of the 2005 Golden Dot awards. Enjoy-- it’s on


^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -   -  -  W: http://publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -  -   E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -   - T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -       MSN/Y!/AIM: netclift

UK Office Hours - 1pm - 11pm  -   -  T:  0870.340.1266
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