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E-Petitioning - Asking the Scottish Parliament to debate funding for
the Scottish Civic Forum

Over the last decade Scotland has been a hot-bed of democratic
renewal. Recently, funding for the “active citizenship” building
Scottish Civic Forum has been cut by the Scottish Executive. In past
years you’ve heard me praise the Scottish Parliament for their online
activities and e-petitioning. For those interested in e-petitioning
within -formal- representative process this is one to watch. Be sure
to note the discussion feature of which I was not previously aware:

What is so important about this online process is that it formally
accommodates “anywhere, any time” participation within the construct
of official representative processes. I suppose a question with the
Scottish Civic Forum, is to what extent should the representatives
support the general voice of civil society and active citizens
outside of parliament/the executive versus dealing with relatively
resource rich interest groups. (From my experience, few citizens want
to individually donate to “democratic overhead” unless it advocates
for their beliefs - so foundations and governments are the only real
source of support for “active citizenship.”)

Before a bunch of non-Scots sign on, Prof. Stephen Coleman raised
some good questions on the Do-Consult forum about the call to sign
the petition, which is shared just below:

    Before signing such a position, or agreeing that the forum should be
    funded, I would like to know more.

    How many people use it?

    What affect has the forum had on decisions made by the Executive or

    Has the forum been independently evaluated?

    What arguments has the Executive given for not supporting the forum?

    Let’s form a balanced judgement before rushing into this. (And just
    how many petition signatures from non-Scots is the Executive supposed
    to take notice of, anyway?)

Also see:

------- Forwarded message follows -------
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED],
From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Thu, 27 Oct 2005 12:56:03 EDT
Subject:                [DO-Consult] Scottish Civic Forum e petition - here's 
the link

Dear All,

I just sent out an email about the Scottish Civic Forum.  It was
forwarding the email below, and it is there in the first email I sent
but right  down at the bottom after loads of emailly stuff so I am
resending it so you  don't have to hunt for hte link to the petition
site - Lorna

Dear friend,

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to sign  the e-petition
asking for the implications of not funding the Scottish Civic  Forum
to be debated by the Scottish Parliament.  It is not too late to make

your voice heard - but almost!!.  There is just a week to go for
collecting  signatures to the petition lodged by Edinburgh's Active
Citizen's Group, so  please could I ask you to take just a few
to add your voice. If every  Forum contact was able to add just 6
signatures to the list it would make the  petition one of the largest
submitted to the Parliament.  So, if you think  it is important for
citizens to be able to participate, please consider  supporting the
petition.  You can do this by clicking on this  link:


It was agreed by all political parties at the time of devolution that
a  civic-led organisation was needed to support new participants to
get invovled in  the Parliament's work.  The Forum has provided
opportunities for  participation in debate on issues of the day in
over 40 different locations in  Scotland over the last two years and
has involved over 3,000 people.  70%  of those responding to a survey
said they hadn't had any other opportunity to  participate in a
discussion on the subject of the event.  These  opportunities for
people to participate will soon be lost unless the decisions  of the
Parliament Corporate Body and Scottish Executive not to fund the
 can be reversed.  The feedback the Forum has had is that a lot of
people,  particularly those working in small community led
organisations and individuals  often do not know how to find out what
is going on or how to participate.   Lack of knowledge was cited
recently by MORI as being one of the main barriers  to participation.

Please also circulate this e-mail to your contacts,  friends etc.

With thanks in anticipation,

Debbie  Wilkie

Scottish Civic Forum
Fòram Catharra Na  H-Alba
The Tun
16 Jackson's Entry  (From the Royal Mile turn into  Crichtons Close
opposite Geraldines - SCF is on the left just past the Scottish
Poetry Library) Holyrood Road Edinburgh EH8  8PJ

t:  0131 524 9395
f:  0870 051  1192

------- End of forwarded message -------
^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -   -  -  W: http://publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -  -   E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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USA    -   -   -   -     Skype/MSN/Y!/AIM: netclift

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