*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

With the RNC at over one million e-mail subscribers on their e-mail list
network after the 2000 election, the Democrats look to be engaging in
efforts to catch up. Through a simple and straight forward issue-based web
site <http://www.SaveOurSecurity.org/> that clearly seeks e-mail opt-in
memberships for their main alert lists. (Not unlike http://www.moveon.org
's selection of hot button petitions.)

In the past, a number of these campaign statement site launches seemed to
focus on generating free media.  This one seems carefully designed to do
one thing - build their e-mail alert network.  The DNC note is below.

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

P.S. Unless the RNC is up over two million subscribers, Japan's PM has the
largest list at over 2 million members (1 in 20 Japanese Internet users)
Check out today's commentary co-authored by DO-WIRE member Nina Hachigian
The first leader in this type of first person newsletter from the
politician was Carl Bildt in Sweden <http://www.bildt.net/veckobrev.asp>
who while not the PM any more has 20,803 members on his list (according to
If you want to see other really big lists check out
<http://www.lsoft.com/scripts/wl.exe?XS=10000>.  When will President Bush,
Majority Leader Daschel and others create their own official "governance"
e-lists like you can get from the House Majority Leader

P.S. I tried to get the web folks from the UK Labour and Conservative
parties to share their e-mail list numbers at the Voxpolitics post mortem,
but all we got were smiles. :-)  Do you have reports on how party e-mail
lists used to campaign in election outside the U.S. were discovered as
effective post-election governance/opposition tools?  Any numbers?

------- Forwarded message follows -------
Date sent:              Mon, 23 Jul 2001 22:41:31 -0000
From:                   "Democratic News" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                DNC Launches New Website on Social Security   [Democratic News 
- 7/23/01]



President Bush wants to turn Social Security into Social Insecurity.
He is pursuing a dangerous privatization plan that will almost
certainly cut benefits and jeopardize the retirement of millions of

President Bush's Social Security approach is just another example of
his Administration putting the priorities of the special interests
ahead of the concerns of working families. The Wall Street crowd,
which was generous in its financial support to the Bush campaign,
likes this plan. But on Main Street, this plan will mean smaller
benefit checks and more anxiety for seniors and their families.

"Sixty-six years ago, under the leadership of President Franklin
Roosevelt, our government made a contract with America's seniors. It
was very simple: if you worked hard your whole life, your country
would not abandon you in your golden years. Mr. President, do not
break that contract. Do not play Russian Roulette with the retirement
of millions of Americans.  Do not scrap one of the most successful
domestic government programs in our nation's history, one that has
provided a safety net for three generations of Americans. Stop playing
special interests politics and put the interests of America's working
families first!" DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe said.

Send a message straight to George W. Bush and tell him you don't
support his faulty privatization plan. Visit the DNC's new website to
send Bush an email telling him to "Save Our Security!"


It's important to get the truth out about Bush's plan for Social
Security. Please forward this email out to all your friends and let
them know there is something they can do to help save our security.

This is a read-only email; please do not reply. Information on how to
contact the DNC can be found here:


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Subscription requests are processed weekly.

Paid for and authorized by the Democratic National Committee.

Democratic National Committee
430 S. Capitol St. SE
Washington, DC 20003


------- End of forwarded message -------

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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