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Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 09:10:37 -0400
From: Steven M. Schneider <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Help build a Sep11 Attack Web Archive

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Help Build a Web Archive of the Sep11 Attack

As we all watch the response to the September 11 terrorist attack unfold
on the Web, please consider helping The Internet Archive, the Library of
Congress and webArchivist.org build an archive of these important
historical materials.

As hundreds (thousands?) of web sites around the world react to these
events, we think it is critical to identify, archive and annotate these
sites and pages.  We're interested in finding as much web content as
possible, from as many different sites and different countries as
possible.  Everything is of interest, especially those sites not likely
to be picked up by search engines or web crawlers (like individual's
pages, or links sent via email).

To get this effort moving, we have very quickly put together some simple
tools available at a new web site, http://webarchivist.org.  If you're
interested, visit that site, and follow the (hopefully) simple directions.

Basically, what we're asking is that you click on a special link (that
you install on your browser) whenever you are visiting a site that you
think should be archived.  Clicking on the link will alert our system to
archive that site immediately.  If you're up for it, you can also get the
"advanced" tool that allows you to fill out a 3-question "site coding
sheet", identifying the type of site producer, the kinds of activities
available on the site, and an open-ended assessment of the site.

If you'd rather, feel free to send list of links to us at one of the
email addresses below.  You may also consider installing Alexa
[http://alexa.com], which will ensure that every site you visit gets
added to the Internet Archive.  This does not happen quite as quickly,
however, and does not "mark" sites as "attack related."

This archive will be made available to the public in a way similar to the
Election Collection 2000 [http://archive0.alexa.com/collections/e2k.html].

We hope you'll join us in this important activity.  And, please, any
comments or suggestions on how to identify relevant sites -- send them along!


Steve Schneider (SUNY Institute of Technology) - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Kirsten Foot (U of Washington) - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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