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Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 14:49:26 "GMT"
From: PoliticsOnline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: The Weekly PoliTicker

Special Edition: Analysis of the Role of the Internet and the Attack on America

Note From: Phil Noble ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
President, PoliticsOnline
843 853 8190 office phone
843 296 1490 mobile

PoliticsOnline has received many calls from journalists and others about what role the 
Internet is playing in the current crisis. To respond we have 1) developed this 
Special Report that outlines the six key points in understanding the developments and, 
2) created a special section on our web site (www.PoliticsOnline.com) to track these 
developments and provide a research and reference source.

The attack on the Pentagon is indeed ironic when we remember that it was the Army that 
started it all way back in 1969 with a project called ARPNET. They wanted to design a 
system that would allow computers to communicate in times of national disaster. They 
were planning on missile attacks from the Russians, not civilian airplane attacks from 

As one analyst noted, during this crisis people turned to the Internet for what they 
needed and wanted, just as they began doing with the telephone many years ago.

Recently the focus has been on the crash of the tech stocks and the success and 
failures of e-commerce. This week the Internet stories were about the technology was 
incorporated into the daily life of average citizens in these extraordinary times. 
This week the Internet truly became The People's Channel.

1. What the Net does best is Communications and Connections

In this crisis, the Internet did what it does best - communicating and connecting. For 
those personally caught up in the crisis, it was a means of communications when other 
means failed. People stranded in the World Trade Center Towers sent e-mails and 
instant messages to their loved ones; Blackberrys and pagers came through when mobile 
phones and land lines failed. Hundreds of online groups formed to do all the things 
people wanted to do - reach out to each other, share their grief, search for friends 
and loved ones.

* NY.com  (www.ny.com) created an interactive database listing survivors from the 
Trade Center collapse. Within 24 hours they had 2,600 listings.

* Hundreds of people posted prayers, related prayer circles and discussions groups on 
Beliefnet (www.beliefnet.com), a popular non-denominational site.

* United (www.ual.com) and American Airlines (www.americanairlines.com) posted 
information and listed phone numbers for people to call looking for more information 
on their crashes.

* People used Yahoo Groups to create numerous discussion groups to share information, 
express grief and vent their anger.

Survivor Databases Offered by NY.Com and Prodigy (InternetNews)
Ny.com, a Web site that calls itself the "paperless guide to New York City" and 
Prodigy, the national ISP, are offering interactive databases listing survivors of 
Tuesday's World Trade Center collapse.

Web Offers Both News and Comfort (New York Times)
The major news Web sites were quickly overloaded. Many links to the not-so-major news 
Web sites stopped working. But more than news, what people all over the world craved 
in the wake of yesterday's terrorist attacks was connection to each other, and many of 
them found that most easily achieved by going online.                                  

After Attack, the Net Reassures and Informs (USA Today)
As phone systems faltered in the aftermath of Tuesday's terrorist attack, the nation 
clung to the Net, reaching out to friends and loved ones, praying, spreading 
accusations and gossip, and overwhelming news and information sites. 

Net Offers Lifeline Amid Tragedy (CNET)
People in New York City and around the globe turned to the Internet on Tuesday to 
communicate with their families and to grasp the horrific sequence of terrorist 
attacks that transformed the World Trade Center and the Pentagon into disaster zones.  

Internet Performs Global Role, Supplementing TV (Online Journalism Review)
History expands. Terribly. In 1914, two bullets fired at an automobile driving through 
the streets of Sarajevo killed the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Sophia, his wife. 
Their deaths led to World War One.

Web Acts as Hub For Info On Attacks (CNET)
Moments after airplanes separately crashed into both towers of the World Trade Center, 
and then later the Pentagon, Web sites for the major news outlets were swamped by an 
overflow of traffic.                                                                   

E-Mail Indispensable as Phone Systems Jam (Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
As the World Trade Center collapsed and planes plunged from the sky, sending and 
receiving e-mail -- the most popular Internet activity -- became the indispensable 
communication tool during the attacks. (September 12, 2001) 

Net Helps Connect People in Distress (ZDNet)
People in New York City and around the globe turned to the Internet on Tuesday to 
communicate with their families and to grasp the horrific sequence of terrorist 
attacks that transformed the World Trade Center and the Pentagon into disaster zones. 
(September 13, 2001)

International E-mails Show Depth of Shock at Attacks (Sky News)
Everyone from city governors to newsreaders and presidents have expressed their shock 
at the scenes in America. (September 11, 2001)

2. The Net created a Helping Network

After connecting and communicating, the second big use of the Internet is helping - 
people reaching out to help in any way that they can. The ability for instant response 
is one of the greatest strengths of the Internet and the crisis is a perfect 
demonstration of the potential. Within minutes of the first reports sites were set up 
to provide mechanisms for people to help.

* Amazon (www.amazon.com) converted its first page into an appeal for help to its 35 
million customers. According to a ticker on their site, by 3pm Friday 128, 000 people 
had contributed $4.7 million.

* Numerous sites linked to the American Red Cross (www.redcross.org) site that was 
reporting 50 million individual visits within the first day. In addition to taking 
contributions and directing people where to go to give blood, they also provided 
extensive news coverage about relief efforts.

* AOL/Time Warner and their Foundation are using their many channels to direct people, 
most notably their effective Helping section (www.helping.org) that became a pop-up 
window on AOL's front page.

* MSNBC (www.msnbc.com) and others are using their site to promote relief efforts with 
on-screen solicitations to various organizations as well as separate banner ads for 
such organizations as the Salvation Army.

* Members of Congress eager to get involved are also using their sites to channel 
people's efforts. George Washington University's Democracy Online Project 
(www.congressonlineproject.org) distributed a special edition of their newsletter on 
how members of Congress can use their sites to help.

America Under Attack: How to Help (MSNBC)
To help the victims, offer tips to the police or get information on loved ones, check 
the provided links. (September 14, 2001)

Web Sites Take Red Cross Donations (MSNBC)
Web site operators, including Yahoo and Amazon.com, have set up virtual donation 
baskets to collect relief funds in the wake of horrific attacks on New York and 
Washington, D.C.  More than 40,000 people had contributed over $1 million on 
Amazon.com by Wednesday afternoon.

Make A Difference On The Net (ABC News)
Web site operators including online retail giant Amazon.com Inc. have set up virtual 
donation baskets to collect relief funds in the wake of horrific attacks on New York 
and Washington, D.C.                          

3. The Technology Worked

Unquestionably, this week was the biggest test to date of the Internet in its 32-year 
history - and it worked. It creaked and it groaned; it was often slow and congested; a 
few major sites went down, but only briefly. In short - it worked. As Tim Blair of the 
Online Journalism Review noted, "Princess Diana's car crash and Bill Clinton's Oval 
Office follies suddenly seem minor markers in the evolution of the Net..." Most 
communications networks, of almost any type, were swamped with unprecedented traffic.

* For a recap of website response time for the major news sites, see PoliticsOnline's 
Key Stats (http://www.politicsonline.com/pol2000/tragedy/tragedy.asp).

* Many sites had to add additional servers or stripped down their pages so that they 
would load faster.

* The day of the attacks, CNN reported 9 million hits per hour as compared to its 
usual daily average of 11 million. CNN received offers of excess server capacity from 
several US and international companies. CNN executive producer Mitch Gelman said they 
declined the offer but he took down their number just in case.

* MSNBC reported a ten-fold increase in traffic and many international sites such as 
the BBC reported record numbers.

* Cingular Wireless, the second largest US wireless carrier reported a 400% increase 
in calls attempted in the Washington area and 1000% in New York.

* The nation's largest long distance company, ATT, had twice the normal workday 

Internet Lessons Will Be Learned From U.S. Attacks (Washingtonpost.com)
Although the events of this terrible week will probably never be forgotten, the 
disaster recovery issues that companies have had to face in the aftermath of the 
multiple disasters across the U.S. will help firms and organizations in the future, an 
Internet expert said today.

High-Tech Industry Plods On In Wake of Attacks (Washingtonpost.com)
Technology companies across the country opened for business today as industry leaders 
vowed not to be paralyzed by the terrorist attacks that struck the Pentagon and World 
Trade Center on Tuesday.

Internet Buckles Under Demand for Attack News (CNN)
Internet traffic buckled and major Web sites were jammed as surfers crowded online for 
details on the airplane attacks in New York and Washington D.C.

Internet Traffic Soars Following U.S. Attacks (Reuters)
Internet news traffic soared on Tuesday following attacks on the World Trade Center in 
New York and the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., slowing retrieval times on popular Web 
news sites and forcing online publishers to cut back on graphics and interactive 
features. (September 13, 2001)

Internet Reacts to America Under Attack (U.S. News)
As America reacts to apparent terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, the 
Pentagon, and other possible targets, millions turn to the Web for information.

News Sites Endure Overload After Attack (CBS News)
Devastating attacks on the U.S. strained and brought down the nation's leading news 
Web sites on Tuesday as millions of people logged on to catch the latest updates 
hitting the Internet. (September 11, 2001) 

Traffic Jams Internet In Wake of Attacks (Nando Times)
Internet traffic slowed and major news Web sites were slow to load as people craving 
details on Tuesday morning's World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks went online. 

Scrambling for News (ABC News)
A rush of Internet users seeking the latest news on the series of attacks on buildings 
in the United States snarled major European news sites today.

Tech Sites Pick Up the News (Wired)
Personalized Internet radio stations and technology websites abandoned their normal 
news-delivery operations as major Internet media outlets wilted under the crush of 
traffic following Tuesday's attacks in New York and Washington.                       

4. The Net as a Tool of Investigation

Almost immediately after the attack, the FBI and other law enforcement people turned 
to the Internet for help in tracking down the terrorist and thoes who support them. 
For the first time, they used the Net as a tool of investigation and called upon 
people to use the net to respond, and respond they did from all parts of the US and 
around the world. Also, in an action that is sure to draw a response (even if delay 
for a while) from privacy advocates, the FBI stepped up monitoring of email traffic.

* Attorney General John Ashcroft asked people to send information to the FBI online 
through The Internet Fraud Complaint Center site (www.ifccfbilgov). The site had 
received only about 10,000 complaints since it was established last year and the 
response crashed the site. It was still down as of late Friday afternoon.

* The FBI issued search warrants to some of the nation's largest ISP's to get 
information on email address and other information about suspected terrorist and their 
communications. AOL, Microsoft, Yahoo, Earthlink, and Excite@Home were all contacted 
and are cooperating.

* The FBI has been installing "Carnivores" (now renamed DCS1000) which are Fed 
computers that are placed at an ISP's core to electronically monitor the ISP's 
electronic communications.

Scouring Cyberspace for Clues on Attack (ABC News)
In the effort to find those responsible for the horrific terrorist attacks on America, 
the FBI is searching everywhere - including cyberspace - for clues.

FBI Utilizing Internet for Clues (Nando Times)
The FBI is issuing search warrants to major Internet service providers to get 
information about an e-mail address believed to be connected to Tuesday's terrorist 
attacks. http://www.nandotimes.com/technology/story/77995p-1092583c.html

FBI Web Site Overwhelmed (MSNBC)
Attorney General John Ashcroft asked that anyone with information about terrorist 
attacks contact the FBI via a Web site - but that site was jammed within seconds of 
Ashcroft's announcement Tuesday night and has been inaccessible since.                 

5. Cyber Security - Electronic Pearl Harbor

To date there does not seem to have been a cyber-attack on companies or the government 
in coordination with the attack in New York and Washington. But, it is widely expected 
to happen at some time if not now. The warning and alarm bells about our vulnerability 
to an electronic Pearl Harbor have filled the tech press since the attack.

* Terrorist organizations are noted for their skill in using the Internet and 
communications technology in general. NewsFactor Network reported "Experts say that 
terrorists have made a practice of putting encrypted messages, including maps of 
targets, inside seemingly innocent internet chat rooms, bulletin boards and other web 

* Some new sites report that cyber activist sites are calling for cyber-counter 
attacks on sites of governments friendly to known terrorist groups.

* Internet security sites and related security company sites have reported a dramatic 
increase in contacts from business seeking help with protecting their site and 
companies from a possible attack.

Cybersecurity Seriousness Escalates (Federal Computer Week)
A Senate hearing originally scheduled to examine the security of the critical cyber 
infrastructure took on extra meaning as Congress and the nation attempted to respond 
to Tuesday's terrorist attacks.

How Terrorists Use the Internet (NewsFactor Network)
The same advantages the Internet and advanced technology bring to the general public 
and to business -- speed, security and global linkage -- are helping international 
terrorist groups organize their deadly and disruptive activities. 

U.S. Attack: Companies Warned About Possible Cyber Attacks (InfoWorld)
Government and private-sector security experts fear that Tuesday's attacks against the 
World Trade Center and the Pentagon are only the beginning of a wave of assaults that 
could include cyberterrorism. 

Companies Urged to Prepare for Cyber Terrorism (Industry Standard)
Government and private-sector security officials warn that the attacks against the 
World Trade Center and the Pentagon may be followed by a wave cyberterrorist assaults. 

6. The Dark Side Emerges: Hate, Scams and Sickos

"The Internet, like American society itself, is a virtual reflection of the best and 
worst that humanity has to offer, say reporters for internet.com - and they are right. 
The disaster has brought the rats out of the sewers and they are spamming the Net with 
phony contribution come-ons and spewing racist bile.

* Anti-Arab hate speech was the first to surface. Sites related to Arab groups or 
simply those of some of the ordinary 7 million Americans of Arab descent have been 
targets both online and offline.

* So-called Christian evangelist Jerry Falwell linked the attack to the ACLU, gays, 
pro-choice activist and those who wanted to ban school prayer.

* Numerous scams to get credit card donations in the name of the tragedy have been 
launched; many use the name of the Red Cross and other reputable organizations.

* Some people tried to sell pieces of the rubble and other "souvenirs" of the disaster 
on E-Bay. The company has since barred any such sales.

* A video game called WTC Defender has appeared where users can shoot down planes 
flying toward the twin towers.

Scam Artists Capitalize On Tragedy (MSNBC)
Consumer protection advocates are warning Internet users that scam artists are trying 
to take advantage of Tuesday's terrorist attacks.

Growing Number of Internet Scams Mar Relief Efforts (InternetNews)
The Internet, like American society itself, is a virtual reflection of the best and 
worst that humanity has to offer.

Web Vents Open on U.S. Muslims (Wired)
As the volume of anti-Arab hate speech on the Internet cranked to full blast 
Wednesday, U.S. Muslims reported rampant harassment on- and offline.

"Purge Our Society," Online Bigots Shout (Salon)
While most online reactions have focused on expressions of emotional support and pleas 
for calm, there is also evidence that in many online communities, Muslim-Christian 
relations already are breaking down -- as posters, assuming the attacks are the work 
of Islamic radicals, lash out.

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