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Democracy in the Digital Age

Friday, April 4, 2003-Sunday, April 6, 2003
Hosted by: The Information Society Project, Yale Law School

Yale Law School
127 Wall Street
New Haven, CT 06511

Program Agenda and Speakers

Friday, April 4, 2003

Informal gathering of participants and attendees.
6:00pm-9:00pm, Location to be determined.
Join us for an informal, pre-conference gathering at one of New
Haven's local establishments.

Saturday, April 5, 2003

How do People Deliberate: Deliberative Discourse and the Internet
9:00am-10:30am, Room 127, Yale Law School

Cynthia Farrar, Yale University

James Fishkin, University of Texas School of Law
Anthony Wilhelm, Benton Foundation
Herbert Burkert, University of St. Gallen

Coffee Break and Exhibit of Technologies for Democracy
10:30am-11:00am, Room 122, Yale Law School

Designing for Democracy
11:00am-12:30pm, Room 127, Yale Law School

Richard Sherwin, New York Law School

Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law
Steven Johnson, Author
William Mitchell, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Lunch and Keynote Address
12:45pm-2:15pm, Room 120, Yale Law School Benjamin Barber, University
of Maryland

How Political Decisions are Made: Citizen Participation and Decision-
2:30pm-4:00pm, Room 127, Yale Law School

Peter Shane, Carnegie Mellon University

Cary Coglianese, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Beth Noveck, New York Law School
Hank Perritt, Chicago-Kent School of Law

Coffee Break & Exhibit of Technologies for Democracy
4:00pm-4:30pm, Room 122, Yale Law School

Creating Public Discourse: Cultural Transmission and the Creation of
Democratic Discourse
4:30pm-6:00pm, Room 127, Yale Law School

Caio Mario da Silva Pereira Neto, Yale Law School

Jack Balkin, Yale Law School
Niva Elkin-Koren, University of Haifa
Shanto Iyengar, Stanford University

Dinner at the Yale Cabaret

Sunday, April 6, 2003

How Groups Form: Community, Organization and the Internet
9:30am-11:00am, Room 127, Yale Law School

Robert Heverly, Yale Law School

Brook Manville, SABA Software
Howard Rheingold, Author
John Gastil, University of Washington

Coffee Break & Exhibit of Technologies for Democracy
11:00am-11:30am, Room 122, Yale Law School

Creating Alternative Discourse: Protest and E-Resistance
11:30am-1:00pm, Room 127, Yale Law School

Nimrod Kozlovski, Yale Law School

Katie Hafner, N.Y. Times
Andrew Herman, College of the Holy Cross


Finding Our Digital Voice:
Governing in the Information Age

The Crossing Boundaries National Conference
Ottawa Congress Centre

Ottawa, Ontario
May 7-9, 2003

If the Information Age raises fundamental challenges for government,
it also provides an historic opportunity to transform and improve it.
For the past two years, the Crossing Boundaries III initiative has
brought together elected representatives, public servants, academics,
and members of the private and third sectors to share their expertise
and experience and to discuss what this means for Canadians. The
process has produced the most comprehensive overview and analysis of
the road ahead yet completed in Canada, and quite possibly the world.

The Crossing Boundaries National Conference ‘Finding Our Digital
Voice: Governing in the Information Age’ will be an opportunity to
consider the road ahead—its consequences for the organization of
government, the provision of information and the democratic process.
With nationally and internationally recognized speakers such as Paul
Martin, MP for Lasalle-Émard; Stephen Coleman, Professor of E-
Democracy, Oxford University; Sharon Dawes, Director of the Center
for Technology and Government, University of New York at Albany, and
Ian Wilson, National Archivist of Canada, this conference represents
an opportunity to take the next step in defining solutions for the
challenges that lie ahead.

Tony Valeri, MP for Stoney Creek
Sandra Lang, Deputy Minister of Consumer and Business Services

The conference will be an interactive learning event—an opportunity
to meet and discuss the issues with colleagues from across the
Canadian public policy community. The agenda is divided into three
major themes:

·         Information as a Public Resource

·         E-Democracy: Extending Public Space

·         Building the Tools of Democratic Renewal

Each one will be the topic of a plenary session, addressed by a panel
of distinguished speakers. Plenaries will be followed by smaller
breakaway sessions, ranging in topic from high-level policy issues to
practical “how-to” sessions and case studies. Rapporteurs will attend
each session to record its highlights. The results will be
synthesized and incorporated into a list of questions and issues
around implementing the recommendations. The third plenary will unite
all participants in a discussion of the findings through an
interactive online dialogue. Finally, questions and issues arising
from these findings will be put to the members of the Political
Advisory Committee.

The conference will close with a presentation of the Crossing
Boundaries III final report by the Political Advisory Committee (PAC)
to a group of senior elected and appointed government officials. The
PAC includes eight elected officials from three levels of government,
four political parties and six separate jurisdictions across Canada,
along with the project Chair.


Please click here to register online or, to register by phone, call 1-

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Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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