On 2/25/2021 10:26 PM, F Campos Costero wrote:
> Keith,
> If we want to have one commit per chapter, I could make a second pass at
> the chapters to at least change the font as you suggested and then commit
> those changes one chapter at a time. I'm close to having GS8 ready, so I
> can probably get everything into my fork by early next week. I'm sure I'll
> also find some typos and other mistakes but those revisions should go
> quickly. There are one or two open questions that will not be answered but
> I always intended to close those at a later date. Let me know if you don't
> like that plan.
> Francis


That plan is fine. You will have to change the styles in each chapter.
The change is in the font for the Heading Styles the change is from
Liberation Sans to Dejavu Sans. For the text styes the change is from
Liberation Sans to Dejavu Serif.


> On Thu, Feb 25, 2021 at 4:55 PM Keith N. McKenna <keith.mcke...@comcast.net>
> wrote:
>> Francis, comments inline
>> On 2/24/2021 4:14 PM, F Campos Costero wrote:
>>> Keith,
>>> It looks to me like you reviewed the version of AOO41GS1 at
>>> openoffice-docs/Review
>>> at Getting-Sarted-Guide · apache/openoffice-docs (github.com)
>>> <
>> https://github.com/apache/openoffice-docs/tree/Getting-Sarted-Guide/Review
>>> while
>>> my version is on my fork at openoffice-docs/Review at
>> Getting-Sarted-Guide
>>> · FJCC/openoffice-docs (github.com)
>>> <
>> https://github.com/FJCC/openoffice-docs/tree/Getting-Sarted-Guide/Review>.
>>> Am I confused?
>> Francis it is quite possible we are both confused. I saw your push and
>> it looked like Digro had approved them. But maybe I was the one confused.
>>> Concerning pulls requests, my commits cover more than one chapter. The
>>> first commit covers GS1 - GS4 and the second covers GS5 -GS7 and
>> GS9-GS12.
>>> Won't we have to review everything, or at least everything in a
>> particular
>>> commit, before doing a PR and merge? In hindsight, I probably should have
>>> done a commit for every chapter.
>>> Francis
>> For the ones you have ready you can do the 2 PR's and I will approve
>> them back to review and start the review cycle over again.
>> For the others it is probably best if you do a PR per chapter.
>> Regards
>> Keith
>>> On Wed, Feb 24, 2021 at 10:06 AM Keith N. McKenna <
>> keith.mcke...@comcast.net>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Francis;
>>>> I finished the review of the Preface and it looks very good. I noted one
>>>> change. If you agree with the change accept it, turn off Record changes
>>>> and submit a PR to have it published.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Keith

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