* Matthias Gutbier:

> Typesetting  demands  for  much  more than  producing  a  sequence  of
> characters.  It  is the  art of  composing a  type area. This  needs a
> fundamental  knowledge  of  fonts,  page  layout  and  other  language
> depending  issues. I personaly  doubt that  these native  FO renderers
> will ever succeed in their  balancing act between the overwhelming XSL
> spec. details and the art of automatic typesetting.

I agree, and being  a (La)TeX user since a few years  now, I cannot bear
to get  a typesetting like  the one produced by  FOP.  IMHO, TeX  is the
best typesetting system I've ever seen, with high-quality results.

The  only  feature missing  in  JadeTeX  is  math.  TeX  typesetting  of
equations is  so beautiful!  I  tried the Mozilla MathML  rendering, but
it's really ugly!

> And  even  if  XSL and  FO  have  the  better  future, the  TEX  DSSSL
> implementation is still more solid and easier to use for beginners, as
> Passivetex  (even if  I prefer  Passivetex, but  I have  a programmers
> background).

I didn't test PassiveTeX yet, it  isn't in the FreeBSD ports collection,
I'm  just too  lazy to  download it  and generate  the TeX  format files
myself...  Is it as good as JadeTeX?  What are the differences?
Jean-Baptiste Quenot

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