Ron Catterall wrote:
relax / docbook v5 is the only way to go.

Thanks Ron, Camil.

In my most recent website schema there is a relax NG version.
The last change is
2005-04-18  Michael Smith

I'll see if I can check it out  - then link
it through to the most recent rng schema of docbook 5
that Norm released.

None of it is namespaced so it will need some work.
Seems that the website stuff 'carries its own' docbook
schema, though I'm not sure how, as yet.
I.e. the website schema directory appears to include
the (then current) docbook.

e.g. website full has an include for
$Id: docbookx.dtd,v 1.31 2005/01/27 13:52:36 nwalsh Exp $

so it may take some untangling.


Dave Pawson

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