Hi folks,

I really need to get cdn.docbook.org available by https. It’s
currently hosted by github.com as a custom domain and they don’t do
SSL for custom domains.

I don’t want to change the process for publishing to cdn.docbook.org
dramatically. That limits the options. Near as I can tell, the only
way to do this and stay on github.io is with some kind of proxy via

Fair enough, I guess.

That means changing the nameservers for docbook.org and that could
cause disruption. At the very least, I’ll have to work out how to configure
the DNS again and there’s a chance I’ll screw it up on my first try.

Rather than just randomly break things on a Monday evening :-), I’ll
plan to make this change next weekend.

Comments and suggestions most welcome, of course.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <n...@nwalsh.com> | Simplicity is always a virtue.--Edward
http://nwalsh.com/            | Abbey

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