
On Sat, 2011-05-14 at 11:34 +1000, Jean Weber wrote:

> Tossing out some thoughts for discussion...
> 1) In addition to the user guides and the blog, IMO we need to develop a set 
> of tutorials or howtos. Videos would be great for many topics, but that is 
> outside my area of expertise, so I'll talk here about written ones (some of 
> which could be used as the starting point for someone doing videos, of 
> course). 
> 2) The user list is a great source of ideas for tutorials and howto 
> documents. In many cases I read them and realise there is a topic in the user 
> guides that could be repurposed into a tutorial with a bit of rewriting and 
> usually the addition of an example or two. In fact, many topics in the user 
> guides began life several years ago as answers to questions on the OOO 
> forums. 
> 3) I have a collection of tutorial type material that I've written, which has 
> either been published on my own blog or in a book I've written, but which has 
> never been placed on the OOo wiki. Also some items of mine that are on the 
> OOo wiki. All of these could become part of the LibO documentation set... if 
> I ever find time to do it.
> 4) These tutorials and howtos could be published on the blog, but they could 
> --IMO should-- also be collected on one or more pages of the wiki, for easier 
> reference. Also, some are too long for the blog, so having them on the wiki 
> with teasers on the blog could be the way to go. 
> 5) Some items might go well in wiki format, unlike the user guides which are 
> in ODT with only a download link on the wiki. However, many of my items 
> already exist in ODT, so it would be easier and faster to get an initial set 
> of material on the wiki in that form. People writing new stuff, especially if 
> adapting existing material from the user guides, might find it easier to use 
> ODT too. Others might prefer to work directly in the wiki.
> Any thoughts or comments on any of this? I haven't begun to look at the wiki 
> and how best to add this sort of thing to it, but as we are reorganising the 
> wiki anyway, this could be part of the reorganisation. I do hope David N 
> finds time to work on the reorg, because I've been so involved with some of 
> it, I no longer see the problems or what's missing. But wiki reorganisation 
> is a topic for a separate note... This one is too long already. 
> Sometimes I think that I think too much. I dream up ideas faster than I can 
> put them into practice. ;-)
> --Jean

I think that is a good idea for howto docs. The blogs can give a good
overview and the howtos could include screen shoots that would make a
blog excessively long. They could also be downloaded as option, may as
an Impress presentation optionally with a voice over.
Jay Lozier

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