Thanks for this work, Martin. I've just had a quick look at your
additions to the User Guide Tasks page, which are just what we need. I
just hope other people pay attention to them, as well as doing their
own reviewing, when updating the chapter files.

If you, or anyone else, want to start doing updates to the chapter
files, you can use the 4.0 files from here:
or from here:

Both sets have had Milos's style cleanups applied.

Please put the edited files here (as you did for chapter 1):


On Sun, Dec 22, 2013 at 3:05 AM, Martin Saffron <> wrote:
> Hello
> I've recently had time to look at sections of the Getting Started guide with
> a view to updating it to the LO 4.2 branch.
> I've taken a look at the first three chapters (of the most recent published
> versions edited by Jean) and noted the changes brought about in the Windows
> 8.1 version of LO 4.2 beta 2.
> I did not edit any of the guides directly and upload them as I was unsure
> whether to edit the recent versions published by Jean or to make edits to
> the auto-formatted versions submitted to the mailing list by Milos.  There
> is also the fact that the stable LO 4.2 release may introduce further
> changes.
> Instead, I've made a detailed list of the aspects that will need updating
> upon release of LO 4.2 and noted some of them here:
> Unfortunately, in submitting the form (as a test) before  adding all the
> notes, I have been throttled so am unable to make further changes until the
> anti-spam time limit expires.  I have attached an ODT file containing all
> the changes so perhaps someone can update the page on my behalf.
> I'll continue looking at the Getting Started guide when I get time (leaving
> chapters 4, 6, 7 and 8 as noted on the User Guide tasks page above).
> Merry Christmas,
> Martin

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