On 06/23/2015 07:33 PM, David Allen wrote:

> I've seen the page titled "User Guide Tasks" (
> http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Documentation/Development), but it's
> essentially empty. Is it maintained by anyone in particular?

That page is more a description of how things are done, than what is done.
is a better description of the system used by ODFAuthors.

Wandering through the projects listed in the column on the left hand
side, will provide a more current status of the documentation process.

http://www.odfauthors.org/libreoffice/english/ is where to start, to
find a reasonable current list of what is being done, in English.

> Is it fair to say that I could "just pick something" to work on because,
> essentially, little to nothing is being worked on?

Most of the focus is on the core manuals:
* Getting Started;
* Writer;
* Calc;

Secondary manuals are:
* Draw;
* Impress;

Tertiary manuals are:
* Math;
* Base;

If you know contemporary geek German, and want to help get the material
ready for LibO 5.0, my suggestion would be translate the German manual
on Base into English, then update it to LibO 5.0.

I just discovered that _Using Assistive Technology in LibreOffice_
hasn't been updated since 2010, and at that, it is extremely incomplete.
«IMNSHO, this document should be platform specific, describing how the
various a11y do, or more commonly don't work with LibO, and what the
viable workarounds are.»

> or they aren't doing anything simply because they're getting lost in such a 
> huge project

Part of it is that there are very few people producing anything in the
way of documentation. This applies both to creating original content,
and translating existing content from one language into another language.

Part of it is that there is a lot of work to be done, but no single
document that either lists everything that needs to be done, or even
lists everything that is currently being worked on.

«Creating that groups of documents would be a good test of the
functionality of the Project Management tools for Lib0.»

>especially if those volunteering are new to documentation.

That is a good point.

Some people have selected their own specialty within documentation, and
are working on it at a glacial speed.


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