elderdanlewis wrote:
> -------- Original message --------
> From: Dave Barton <d...@tasit.net> 
> Date:08/07/2015  1:33 PM  (GMT-05:00) 
> To: documentation@global.libreoffice.org 
> Subject: Re: [libreoffice-documentation] Base Handbook 5.0 
> -------- Original Message  --------
> From: Robert Großkopf
> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2015 10:59:56 +0200
>> Hi *,
>> I have tried to translate the first chapter of the German
>> Base-handbuch 5.0.
>> The german version is already published here:
>> http://de.libreoffice.org/get-help/documentation/
>> I have uploaded the English version here:
>> http://robert.familiegrosskopf.de/lo_hb_en/
>> All chapters would begin with "BH5 ..."
>> For chapter "Preface" I haven't changed anything I found in the
>> English BH35. To chapter "Introducion ..." I added a lot.
>> I have set Writer to Edit > Track Changes > Record Changes / Show Changes.
>> If there is anybody, who want to have a look and want to laugh a
>> little bit about the combination of Google Translater and a person,
>> who couldn't write English very well ...
>> I will try to translate the other chapters the same way. So I could
>> add new content, when editing the German version, directly to the
>> English version.
>> Hope this would help to publish a newer Verion of the English Handbook
>> nearly at the same time than the German Handbuch.
>> Regards
>> Robert
> Hi Robert,
> First a very big thank you for your work on the original German Base
> Handbook and for starting the contribution of English translations.
> If you want others to review your work, should we upload this material
> to a new "Base Handbook 5" folder on the ODF Authors website and process
> this through the the normal review/edit procedure there?
> As a matter of general interest, is there any kind of review/edit
> process used in the production of the German edition of this handbook,
> or is this something you work on alone? My reason for asking is to see
> if there is a way to refine the ODF Authors review process to make it
> easier for new contributors to follow. Milos Sramek did not get any
> feedback when he raised this issue some time ago, but I believe it is
> something we need to give some consideration.
> BTW I will not start laughing a your translations until my knowledge of
> German is better than your knowledge of English. Which means you will
> not hear a single giggle from me for a very very long time. ;)
> Thanks & Regards
> Dave
> I have downloaded chapter 1 to review it. There is a method for doing this. 
> Right now I don't remember where this information is. I will send it to you 
> by tomorrow morning. As soon as I can get the review done, I will upload it 
> to the Base Handbook folder. That is when you can give it an review. I will 
> tell you when I finish. 
>    Meanwhile, I noticed one thing that needs to be done before anything else: 
> converted to the 5.0 template. I will be doing this later today. 
> Dan

Hi Dan,

Since you have a greater understanding of Base than many of us here,
it's great to see that you have picked this up. Thanks very much.

It getting late for me now, but I will do the necessary prep work on the
ODF Authors website in a few hours time and get back to you.

I will also answer Robert when I have had some much needed sleep.

Thanks to you both.


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