
please, could you further explain:
  + Supporting minor updates to published guides (pdf file)

What is the agreed notification workflow with every guide update for all
l10n teams translating these guides (content-wise, i.e. notifying "this
sentence in this chapter/page was changed from this to this" etc.) so that
the translation process continues with the really-latest version (after an
official version is already published) and as hassle/confusion-free for
l10n teams as possible?

With the delicate translation process going on in parallel with the
considered minor content updates I would instead suggest to create odt/pdf
with errata or corrigenda of a guide (and all its chapters) that gets
updated regulary and is finally merged with the guide only with its next
iteration of publication.

To quote wikipedia/*Chicago Manual of Style
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicago_Manual_of_Style>*, "Errata, lists of
errors and their corrections, may take the form of loose, inserted sheets
or bound-in pages. An errata sheet is definitely not a usual part of a
book. It should never be supplied to correct simple typographical errors
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typographical_error> (which may be rectified
in a later printing) or to insert additions to, or revisions of, the
printed text (which should wait for the next edition of the book). It is a
device to be used only in extreme cases where errors severe enough to cause
misunderstanding are detected too late to correct in the normal way but
before the finished book is distributed. Then the errors may be listed with
their locations and their corrections on a sheet that is tipped in
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipped-in_page>, either before or after the
book is bound, or laid in loose, usually inside the front cover of the
book. (Tipping and inserting must be done by hand, thus adding considerably
to the cost of the book.)"[2]


V V sre., 14. nov. 2018 ob 20:31 je oseba Olivier Hallot <
olivier.hal...@libreoffice.org> napisala:

> Wednesday November 14th2018, at 19:30 Berlin Time
> Presents: Drew, Cathy, Heiko, Olivier
> Fall back chat:
> https://irc.documentfoundation.org/?settings=#libreoffice-doc
> TDF Jitsi room
> https://jitsi.documentfoundation.org/tdfdocteam
> Completed Action Items:
>     +
> Pending:
>     + Update template for Calc Guide (Drew/Dave)
>     + Proposal for the future LibreOffice documentation development
> workflow (Dave)
> Agenda+ Discussion:
>     + Supporting minor updates to published guides (pdf file)
>     + How to handle the UI changes with Tabbed Notebook as a standard
> feature with 6.2
>          +my suggestin is another appendix which maps the change in
> toolbutton location and menu location between the standard toolbars and
> the notebook bar tabs.(Drew)
>          + Perhaps images or graphs (Drew)
>          + Guides and Help share contents (olivier)
>     + Calc Guide appendix for LireOffice online
>     +   some open questions about the stand alone LOOL and the changes
> to menu structures when it is part of a CMS such as NextCloud
>     + Appendix for Calculation engine support for threading(Drew)
>          +Really strugglig with this (more a fyi really)
> AI: Emails developers to get more clarifications (Drew)
>      + Enter images in document (Cathy)
> AI: Clarify the image anchoring (olivier)
>      + Long editing session turns LO slow and unusable (Cathy)
>          + Some crashes.
> AI: Send offending file to olivier for inspection  (Cathy)
>      + What is the real user we are targeting with Calc Guide (Cathy)
>           + Upper top of users, knowledgeable Excel user (olivier)
> AI:      + Raise the issue in the mailing list (Cathy)
> Next meeting WednesdayNovember21st2018, at 19:30 Berlin Time
> --
> Olivier Hallot
> LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
> Comunidade LibreOffice
> Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00
> http://tdf.io/joinus
> --
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