On 11/22/18 6:55 PM, Olivier Hallot wrote:
>      + Long editing session turns LO slow and unusable (Cathy)
>          + Some crashes. 
> AI: Send offending file to olivier for inspection  (Cathy)

I've seen the same thing happen on some of my documents.
In one case, LibO was using 15GB of Virtual RAM and 5GB of Memory RAM.
In a different case, Virtual RAM hit the 25GB point, before the system

I assumed it was because I'm using a "don't use unless you are
developer" version.
* OOo 1.1.x used to crash when there were more than 2^16 (I think) style
changes within the document;
* I've got several multi-page tables in these documents. In one
document, there was a table that was 150+ A4 pages long.

Would like copies of these documents? FWIW, the content is codes for
languages, writing systems, countries, and political subdivisions of the


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