Hi Felipe,

With regards to a possible Toolbars appendix, I'm not sure much has changed since August 31st, when I wrote: "I have concluded that at this stage, including such an appendix in the guide might do more harm than good. Consequently, my current intention is to progress the 7.0 Calc Guide without a Toolbars appendix.". I would still be in favour of NOT trying to include it in the CG at this time.

I am in favour of publishing now, with one review as you suggest. My only slight concern might be Chapter 12 (Macros), only because I believe that Olivier made some significant changes (including new material) at first review. If it would help, I would be happy to review the new material before issue.



On 30/10/2020 04:23, Felipe Viggiano wrote:
Thank you very much for that Olivier!

Updates on the Calc Guide 7.0:

The chapters CG7010-LinkingData and CG-7011-SharingAndReviewing are now on
the Published folder after 2 reviews.
The chapters CG-7015-KeyboardShortcuts and CG7016-ErrorCodes are now on the
Draft folder ready for a second review.

I would like to raise a few questions about the Calc Guide publishing:

i. How are we on the Toolbar appendix? Are they already mandatory for the
guides in this 7.0?
ii. Considering Steve's fine job in the previous version, and that we are
closer to a LO 7.1 release, I'm thinking in start publishing the chapters
with at least one review. In this case, we can start working on the 7.1
Calc Guide immediately. If anyone could comment on this matter would be

Best regards,
Felipe Viggiano

Em qui., 29 de out. de 2020 às 19:18, Olivier Hallot <
olivier.hal...@libreoffice.org> escreveu:

Hello Team

I added the file CG70-CalcGuide-Master-OH.odm in the Feedback folder for
further work.

* The covers were updated tp 7.0
* new 7.0 template applied to master document.

On opening the file, LO will ask to update the links. As master
document, the links must be reworked at publication time. I'll refrain
to update fields, ToCs, Indexes and links until all chapters are in
published folder.

Olivier Hallot
LibreOffice Documentation Coordinator
Rio de Janeiro - Brasil - Local Time: UTC-03:00
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