Great idea.

Consider a flat ramp with a panio hinge on front and vertical sides and
consider using one of those Cessna veneer button controls which you adjust
by rotating for small movements or push centre button in to make big
adjustments. They are good and aircraft spruce have them.

That panel with luvers is very poor in h36. I'd really does need more and
when they fit 2400 or 2500 they must gave a good suck out.

I did the panio hinge idea  on a grob 109a suck out but I only have summer
and winter adjust by moving 2 only 5mm bolts on the side vertical. Would
you like a photo?

I once flew an RV with that veneer  control on the trim and it was the best
trim I have ever flown in in any aircraft.

Falke C have a cowl flap adjustable in flight but after 6000 to 8000hrs the
6mm bolt hinges can be totally worn like hell an all rivets are loose on
bracket.  Remember the cowl flap is being pounded by airflow and must be
sturdy and last in long term.

Cowl flaps sure work with a Pawnee and are a great extra for towing.

Give it a go and advise

On another matter Crazed pilot dot com in USA have what they call a wigwag
controller and mounted two LED s either side just below horizontal prop
where they mount landing light in h36. Very good and can be landing light
as well.  They are great for final and know one regional airline in
Australia re equipped with wig wag landing lights. It is so good when on
final and even scares birds at those airports with bird problems.

On Sunday I was about to have somebody to taxi in front of me but I forgot
to turn the wig wag on so now just before hand on airbrakes on base leg it
is turn wig wag lights ON

Ian McPhee
+61 428847642
Box 657 Byron Bay NSW 2481

On Mon, 23 Jul 2018 19:17 Martyn Cook <> wrote:

> Dear Dimona Owners
> When using my H36 for field landing training an adjustable engine cowl
> would be very useful.  Open up the bottom of the engine bay to allow
> plenty of cooling air through at a high power setting, then close the
> cowl to reduce the rate of cooling when the throttle was closed at top
> of descent. This would keep the engine warmer for the go-around as the
> student flew over the fence in what was hopefully a well-executed circuit.
> I realise that an adjustable cowl flap would need to be a certified
> modification, and I'm just checking with the group to see whether anyone
> has developed and installed such a mod, and how well it worked.
> On my aircraft the cooling air outlet is way smaller than the area of
> the intake.  The usual wisdom with air-cooled engines is that the outlet
> needs to be a little larger than the inlet to allow for the air to
> expand as it gains heat from the engine.
> Kind regards
> Martyn
> --
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