G'day Everyone,
This mostly relates to the laws in Australia.... but many countries have
similar laws.

There is a legal case happening now in Western Australia where the
plaintiffs are suing a number of people who had involvement with a glider
which crashed.

It looks like the solicitors are suing the bloke who signed out the

This email is about the different laws which apply to employees and
contractors. If you are an employee of an aircraft owner you mostly avoid
liability under the vicarious liability laws. If you are a contractor, if
something goes wrong, you can be personally sued and you must have your own

I am *NOT* a lawyer so this is just a discussion topic

I only ever do work for other people on their aircraft as an employee. It
is not actually very difficult to set up this sort of arrangement. In
Australia, it is a few forms to start with and a couple after the 30 June
tax year ends.

A lot of people set it all up for their household cleaners and gardeners
etc. See

Everyone needs to be familiar with the legal definitions of a Contractor
and Employee. See

We also need to understand the legal liabilities of each category. Here is
a meaty but good explanation

The employer doesn't necessarily need a Workers Compensation
Policy....fortunately in NSW (and some other states in Australia) there is
automatic free Workers Compensation for workers who are engaged by small
time employers who pay less than $7,500 per year in wages.  See

If you are doing work for anyone, please familiarise yourselves with all
this. It may mean you don't end up in Court one day!


Rob Thompson
0429 493 828

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