>From: "Dr Brian H Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: sampling
>Hi guys 'n' gals,
>For those musos amongst us, I thought you might like to read some 
>info into Copyright Law and the Ethics of Sampling. Interesting stuff.
>BTW - I didn't know that Jagger/Richards apparently got ALL the publishing
>royalties from The Verve's "Bittersweet Symphony" becasue of the sample 
>Gary Banton - I believe you are in this sort of line of business  (PRS) -
>any comments?


Not really anything to add to what has already been said... Basically, the 
sampler should gain copyright permission from the copyright holder (be that 
the songwriter, the publisher or the record co.) in order to use a piece of 
music, a riff, a phrase etc from a copyright work. If this is not done then 
they face a possible legal situation....

Gary (The Limey Doobie!)
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