Hi Robert,

> Then after a short while (maybe another cronjob 5 mins later wget to
> download http://www.mybroadbandspeed.co.uk/export.php?type=csv from
> the  same IP address FF is running from to get your data.

Ah, I assumed that it was the cookies Firefox was storing that would
identify whose data to export as CSV, rather than IP address, but I must
admit I didn't check.  :-)

> 0 */6 * * * firefox http://www.mybroadbandspeed.co.uk/speedtest
> 10 */6 * * * killall -u speedtest firefox
> 15 */6 * * * lynx --source  
> http://www.mybroadbandspeed.co.uk/export.php?type=csv > speed.csv
> The killall just makes sure FF does not end up eating a metric
> sh**tonne  of RAM and I use lynx to do the downloading as its silent
> (as opposed to  wget).

`wget -q' is silent.  And -O specifies an output file, or stdout for
`-', so `wget -qO-' is similar to `lynx --source'.  Just pointing it out
as wget tends to be installed in more places than lynx.



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