On 10/12/09 09:32, Peter Merchant wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-12-09 at 18:50 +0000, Terry Coles wrote:
>> On Wednesday 09 Dec 2009, Peter Merchant wrote:
>>> >From the LUG meeting last week and the discussion about getting rid of
>>> obsolete versions and their partitions, it was suggested that I
>>> edit /boot/grub/menu.lst.
>>> In Kubuntu 9.1 it looks like the file is grub.lst and the first line is
>>> - "You must not edit this file"
>>> Dare I?
>> Well whether you dare or not is up to you, but it's not advisable.
>> 9.10 uses Grub2 and it's configured in a totally different way.  Also, 
>> there's 
>> something funny about it if you previously had an earlier version and 
>> upgraded 
>> as opposed to a clean installation.
>> We discussed this some weeks ago, I'll see if I can find the relevant post.
>> -- 
>>              Terry Coles
>>              64 bit computing with Kubuntu Linux
> I dared. and the consequences were dire. 
> I edited grub.cfg and took out a couple of menu selections. 
> Rebooted and it wouldn't boot.
> I had to boot from a bootable CD, navigate to the appropriate place, and
> replace the edited file with the backup. 
> StartupManager won't edit out some of the selections from the grub menu,
> so I am still at square 1. 

Ubuntu 9.10 only installs grub2 (v1.9) on new installs. Upgrades stay
with grub1 (known as grub legacy, v 0.9). Help on recovering is here :-


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