On 23 June 2010 at 09:38 Bob Dunlop <bob.dun...@xyzzy.org.uk> wrote:
> I've not used a 700 but I'm guessing disk space is about right. 
> The initial 4G (sda) will also have big chunks reserved for swap and the
> Xandros recovery partition.  Hence only 1.4G for the user.
Yes. I've now discovered that sda is split into two parts and df wwas being
confused somehow.  There is a 100 % full partition of 2.3G called sda1,
according to the Diagnostic Utility in the Settings tab.  I assume that's the
Xandros system partition, but I can't work out how to get at it.  The 1.4G
partition is sda2.

> Having had to cleanup a 901 recently I suspect the problme you are hitting
> is not raw space but inode allocation.  Try a "df -i" to check.  Xandros
> seems to leave a lot of temporary files lying around eating up inodes.
> One cleanup suggested on the web is:
>         sudo find / -iname '.wh*' -delete
> Also:
>         sudo apt-get clean
I couldn't get those to do anything.

> I tried both of these by remote control.  I wonder if talking a seismologist
> through things step by step is any easier than your mother :-)  It gave us
> some short term relief. 
Actually, I'm staying with her for a couple of days; hence the tasks.

> Ultimate solution is to replace the aging and poorly supported Xandros with
> something newer.  On the 901 for general use I can recommend Ubuntu Remix
> 10.4.  I don't know if it will fit on a 700.

That's what I'd like to do, but I think she needs more time to get used to the
idea.  It runs well on my wife's 900.
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