On Tue, Jun 22 at 09:15, d-...@hadrian-way.co.uk wrote:
> I'm getting a bit confused with the diskspace available on my mother's Asus 
> 700. By default, these came with a 4G flash drive and I've added a 4G SD card.
> Xandros seems to have appended the SD Card to the original 4G, because the 
> Disk
> Utility (a GUI tool in the Settings tab) says that all the space is on one
> drive. However, it also says that there is only 4G....
> In a shell I get:
> /home/user> df -h
> Filesystem     Size   Used Avail Use% Mounted on
> rootfs         1.4G   841M   508M   63% /
> /dev/sda1      1.4G   841M   508M   63% /
> unionfs        1.4G   841M   508M   63% /
> tmpfs          249M   20K    249M    1% /dev/shm
> tmpfs          128M   24K    128M    1% /tmp
> /dev/sdb1      3.8G   561M   3.2G   15% /media/D:
> Can anyone explain where her other space has gone??? She keeps filling up the
> disk, even though there is loads left.

I've not used a 700 but I'm guessing disk space is about right.  
The initial 4G (sda) will also have big chunks reserved for swap and the
Xandros recovery partition.  Hence only 1.4G for the user.

Having had to cleanup a 901 recently I suspect the problme you are hitting
is not raw space but inode allocation.  Try a "df -i" to check.  Xandros
seems to leave a lot of temporary files lying around eating up inodes.

One cleanup suggested on the web is:
        sudo find / -iname '.wh*' -delete
        sudo apt-get clean

I tried both of these by remote control.  I wonder if talking a seismologist
through things step by step is any easier than your mother :-)  It gave us
some short term relief.

Ultimate solution is to replace the aging and poorly supported Xandros with
something newer.  On the 901 for general use I can recommend Ubuntu Remix
10.4.  I don't know if it will fit on a 700.

        Bob Dunlop

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