On 02/10/10 00:21, Andrew Morgan wrote:
On 01/10/10 14:00, Natalie Hooper wrote:
Thanks for the link.

Looking at the timetable, the evening service is pretty bad. There's a
(back to Bournemouth) at 20.15 then at 22.15 (
http://www.wdbus.co.uk/uploads/13may10.pdf). And that's it. Not a bus
service you can rely on (I don't call having to wait 2 hours for a bus a
"reliable" service).

As a public transport user, this makes it a non-goer for me
I don't think there's much point worrying about if buses and trains go
where you want when you want, from what I've seen they never have and
never will. But for anyone who has to rely on public transport don't
forget there are plenty of taxis out there and their drivers work all
night, and they'll take you from wherever you want to wherever you want
without any faffing about between.

As far as pubs go I would prefer one out of the towns and cities, and
definitely away from any surveillance.

Natalie, were you talking about the Grasshoper pub on Bournemouth Road? The M1 and M2 run every 30 minutes each, eg. 21:22, 21:37, 21:52, 22:07, 22:37 approx (Upper Parkstone Co-oop less 7 minutes for St. Osmunds bus stop to Bournemouth).

Andrew, as far as surveillance, all pubs have them and anyway, just having a mobile phone on tracks your every move. With the number of fights and damage in town centres, I feel far safer knowing there are cameras around.


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