On Tue, 2010-11-02 at 18:20 +0000, Sean Gibbins wrote:

> Leading on from that, one more (hopefully pertinent) question: why does
> Linux need to change beyond the continuous improvement we already see?
> I'll qualify that further by asking anyone answering it to step back
> from this release or that particular release and ponder it over, say,
> the last five years and several distributions.
> Sean

OK I'll bite....

Linux has quietly been becoming more 'user' friendly over the past few
years, but it's not there yet as a 'normal user desktop'. Let me clarify
this - it is for 'me', and I actively promote it amongst my social group
and when I was working would slip the odd Linux server in where I could
(bearing in mind that for the past x years I worked for windoze software

When I say it's not there 'yet' a huge part of this is users not being
exposed to Linux. An image issue... I had one guy who whinged constantly
about pidgin but shut up when I installed aMSN, the issue? well from
what I could tell it was just that it looked different to the MSN
Messenger interface he knew....

These days I can install various distro's on most hardware without
having to scratch my head over drivers. But for example Meego which is
run by the Linux Foundation, Nokia and others and designed for Netbooks
and mobile devices does not ship with the drivers for 'my' netbook's
WiFi.... Yeah 'I' could sort that out... But it would have stumped a
'new' user.

If say for example in *buntu I want to change the default application
for another I need to know where that new application is in the file
system.... It does not intuitively provide the application as an option
or for example, when I fire that application up it does not ask an
appropriate question 'Do you want to associate this application to X'.
Again not an issue for me but it's been a niggle for a user...

I am evangelical about Linux, because it's Open Source, It's community
based, because I dislike M$'s licensing, because I'm bloody minded and I
love convincing people to use Asterisk rather than spending £££'s on a
new PBX, and I really enjoyed the state of confusion that one of my
'clients' had when I explained he didn't have to pay for the bit of
'Dark Magic' software that saved him a day a week's work....

Whoah I just kinda ranted and made limited sense and wandered way off
what I planned to say!!!... Oh well....


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