Hi Peter,

> > A manual `scrub' of a hard disk, using dd(1) to *read* all the > >
> > sectors
> Now: what are the other features of DD? Can it be used to tidy up a
> hard disk and make it respond faster?

No, nothing like that.  http://catb.org/jargon/html/D/dd.html is a low
level command that's just interested in shuffling blocks of bytes where
it's told, perhaps altering them on the way.

    $ dd conv=ucase,swab <<<'hello world!'
    0+1 records in
    0+1 records out
    13 bytes copied, 0.000177398 s, 73.3 kB/s

> When I open Chrome the HD thrashes around quite a lot before Chrome
> comes up.

It sounds like Chrome's multiple threads are clashing with one another
asking for lumps of disk to be read or written and the rust drive is
spending too much time moving its heads about.  This seems to have a
long history.

A recurring theme there is deleting some or all of the `session' data
that Chrome's holding so it doesn't have so much to peruse or housekeep.
The easiest way to try might be any `clear your history' options it has.

Cheers, Ralph.

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