Hi Terry,

> I commented that it was a shame that the Government / BBC hadn't
> chosen the Raspberry Pi, since it already had a strong community.

I think two things counted against the Pi back then.  It's price, though
I haven't checked on what Pi models were available when the decisions
would have been being made, i.e. quite a bit before the micro:bit's
release.  And the opaqueness of its innards given it's a proprietary GPU
that happens to be able to load code for an ARM on the side to run.
Broadcom were never keen on opening the private bits up when I used to
follow the topic.

In comparison, the micro:bit is a lot more standard design for a `dev'
board, with two ARMs, a Cortex M0 where your code runs, and a Cortex M0+
that provides the USB access to program the M0.  Ditching the video
output leaves a simpler system to build from scratch.

(I have a micro:bit.)

Cheers, Ralph.

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