Hi Terry,

> > Do you mix two different MUAs, mail clients, with the sig defined
> > differently in each?  What if you try moving the cursor past the `s'
> > of `Coles' where the sig is defined?
> Nope.  I very occasionally respond to a message using BlueMail on
> Android, but both those messages (and the recent one that you caught)
> were sent using KMail on Kubuntu 18.10 on this machine (Optiplex
> deskyop).

What if you try moving the cursor past the `s' of `Coles' where the sig
is defined?

When composing a new email, or replying to the existing one, is the sig
put in the draft so it's available to edit, or is it tacked on when you
send the draft?

I suspect it's a KMail bug, perhaps to do with the content encoding it
chooses based on the range of characters in the mail's text, and it
sometimes strips the trailing blank lines.

Cheers, Ralph.

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