
On reason you had ed on early machines and Vi on later can be seen by
examining the code size of even modern builds.  Ignoring common OS
libraries you have:

   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
  43509    1144    2248   46901    b735 /bin/ed

   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
  27061    2048     256   29365    72b5 /usr/bin/nvi
 442019   18688     144  460851   70833 /usr/lib64/libvi.so.0
 430302   17628    2552  450482   6dfb2 /lib64/libncursesw.so.6

   text    data     bss     dec     hex filename
2295413  139160   49392 2483965  25e6fd /usr/bin/vi
 150110   14128    2016  166254   2896e /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libtinfo.so.5

So even nvi (Keith Bostic's BSD vi rewrite from the 1990s) is twenty times
the core size of ed.  Vim then doubles it again.  Modern coders pah!

I spent my three years at university using ed (well em the "Editor for
Mortals" actually.  Only a couple of years later was I introduced to vi,
which has been my editor of choice ever since (35 years).  Spend an
awful lot of time in ex mode though.

One problem with the Editor for Mortals that caught many.  Consider the
difference between the action of the command "em file" and "rm file" yet
they are just one key position apart.

        Bob Dunlop

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