Hi Peter,

> He has four email addresses on this domain name, but we have just been
> working with one.
> Smartly, Clive has Thunderbird filters set up to move many emails to
> Folders on localhost.  We had both webmail (old Supplier) and T-bird
> up and emails in Localhost are not on Webmail.

So that sounds like most emails are downloaded from the old server and
then deleted on that server.

> We proved to ourselves that emails deleted from either webmail or
> T-bird were very quickly deleted from the other.

That must refer to the non-Localhost emails, the ones that have been
left on the old server.  You're viewing those in two ways
simultaneously, webmail and T'bird, and they each adjust to changes made
by the other.

> There are very few emails in the T-Bird inbox, so Clive is going to
> move these to a Localhost holding folder.

Those few emails aren't captured by the existing T'bird filters so
remain on the old server; they're going to be manually refiled, removing
them from the server.

> Then he will go into server settings for this account and try and set
> it to the new companies values.

That will access the new server.  Presumably, the company has or will
arrange for emails to Clive's domain to arrive there instead of the old
server.  That may or may not need a DNS update to the MX record and that
should easily propagate within a day.

> If you never hear from him again, it didn't work.  If successful, he
> could move the emails back from the holding folder to the inbox (Copy,
> not move!)

Copy or move?  Is there some reason he'd prefer those few emails to
reside on the new server rather than sit on his own Localhost machine
with the others?

Cheers, Ralph.

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