On Thursday, 14 May 2020 10:15:31 BST Terry Coles wrote:
> 'We are doing checkpointing after each of these lines (in version 0.02 and
> in workunits like 13052020 or higher)'

I can report that this is working.  I shut down last night instead of 
Suspending and the Ibercivis Tasks all resumed this morning.

> BTW all my earlier Tasks have shot up to exactly 60% of Progress with around
> 8 hours to complete.

The ETA computation seems to be fixed as well.  The client is now reporting 
fractions of a percentage complete and shows no sign of freezing at any point.  
One of yesterday's Tasks is now 'Ready to Report' and of the rest, six out of 
seven have 35 minutes to go.


                Terry Coles

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