On 02/09/2020 17:19, C Wills wrote:
From a 'live disk' would like to copy sda3 to another disk (USB 160Gb with 2 partitions - sdb1=NTFS and sdb2= Ext4 140Gb) before trying to re-install and ignoring the warnings!.
I can only copy sda3 to any /other/ location (sdb2) by becoming 'Root' and when I've done this before I've ended up with all Directories and files being 'Owned' by Root and lost 'my' ownership.

How can I copy sda3 to sdb2 using a 'live disk' conserving all properties..  All programs I've got don't seems to allow this. I'm normally a GUI user not terminal user unless I have a command to copy exactly, any help please?

Both cp and rsync have the option --archive (or -a) which sets a few other options, including preserving ownership. They both also have a --verbose (or -v) option, which you might want to use as well to see what's going on.

cp -av /from/ /to/



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