Hi All
Update on my problems when upgrading Mint 19.3 to Mint 20.

Thank you all for your help, I tried most suggestions and finally, yesterday, got everything working.

Ralph: Thank you for all our suggestions and I tried to follow the last set, and failed (later found I'd made a spelling mistake!!).

I did manage to recover all my data files to the separate disk but did not need them in the end (now stored safely, just in case).

After many attempts to upgrade I've come to the conclusion that the upgrade DVD is faulty, as that always failed. During one recovery attempt (back to 19.3) it repartitioned the SDA disc and added a EFI partition, as well as the OS (19.3). It replaced sda1 & 2 with the efi (fat32) and OS partition(ext4), it deleted the Swop but did not touch sda3 or 4.  The efi/OD partitions ended up at sad5&6, no sda2 or swop.
Don't understand why or how but it all works!

I'll have to wait till I can get a 'proper' Mint 20 disc before trying again.  Must have tried 6 or 7 times to upgrade hence the thinking it's a DVD copy problem as at no time did it get passed the loss of efi problem; even after having a separate efi/fat32 partition.
Thanks again for all the help, it kept me trying!   :-)

C A Wills
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