Hi Terry

All wireless items are on 2/4Ghz as nothing has 5GHz.

The tablet is an old Samsung (Android) 10 and 'just works'. Did not have to do anything to it when I re-booted the router; it just re-connected and Lily did not notice anything!

Have opened up the laptop and checked the card, check screws and terminals are tight, check for any loose items - nothing.

On 11/02/2021 10:09, Terry Coles wrote:
On Thursday, 11 February 2021 10:02:02 GMT CA Wills wrote:
Not rebooted the router today but will try after this.  It's not a
connection problem outside from the router as it all works on Ethernet.
This leaves me to think either the router wireless is faulty or the laptop.
Probably the laptop (see below), but it's still worth a reboot before you
spend money.

The PC is Ethernet (no wireless).  Lily's old Tablet is working and has
not been a problem (to note) and that's on all day. Saying that means
it's a laptop fault?
It certainly looks like it, unless a Router issue affects the WiFi Card in your
laptop more than Lily's Tablet.  Do they both connect to the same Channel?
(In other words is the tablet on 2.4 GHz and the Laptop on 5?

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