On 03/02/2023 09:26, Peter Merchant wrote:
I recently installed a program to my Kubuntu 20.04 system called
Microblocks. It is a scratch-like program for things like an ESP-32.
The problem is that it doesn't appear anywhere in my application
launcher, but if I type the name in on the 'search' bar of the AL, it
finds it. Does anybody know how I can add it to the Application
Launcher? I am having the same problem with the Arduino IDE.
There are two ways to do this; one for the main Application launcher as
you requested and one for the Widgets on an Activity.
I can't give you a step by step, because it depends on the program
concerned. For the main Launcher; right-click the launcher icon and
select 'Edit Applications...'. This launches the KDE Menu Editor.
Click on the appropriate Menu Item, eg 'System', right=click on that and
select 'New Item'. Then fill in the blanks including the command that
launches the program.
To do it as a Widget you need the Widget 'QuickLaunch' installed then
simply right-click within the QuickLaunch area and proceed as with the
main App Launcher.
Let us know how you get on.
Terry Coles
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