Not going to make it, running way behind on jobs.   Two questions I was going 
to ask about:

1] anybody heard of this company 'Strong'?

2] Smart meters. I always keep refusing them because EON insists that I move to 
SEG (Smart Export Guarantee)  but I think having been looking it up that SEG 
only replaces the 'Deemed Export' part of my Feed In Tariff and I still have to 
send in my Generated Value to the company that processes it. (Good Energy).   
So after I get a smart meter I still get the FIT payment and also a SEG 
payment. Is that correct?  I had thought that SEG replaced everything.

Have a good evening.

On 05/12/2023 13:08, Terry Coles wrote:

The next Online Meeting is tonight at 8 p.m. using Jitsi.

The meeting can be joined using a web browser to open

Chrome or Chromium may fare better than Firefox.
An alternative to installing either of those is to obtain an all-in-one
bundle especially for Jitsi and enter ‘dorset-lug’ as the meeting ID.

    chmod +x jitsi-meet-x86_64.AppImage

I may not be there myself; we have just lost a very good friend and a lot of my 
time is taken up with dealing with things that need sorting as a result.  If I 
feel up to it, I may pop in for a short time.

 Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2023-12-05 20:00
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