Hi Terry,

> Unless the forecast changes significantly between now and then, I'll
> be going to the Midlands next week, so I probably won't be around
> again.

Peter emailed the list saying it looked like last month's meeting didn't
happen.  Andrew told me privately that he turned up, no one else did, so
he left.  When I popped in later, Clive, Hamish, and Hugh were present.

My guess is Jitsi's new-ish requirement for a moderator to open a ‘room’
by authenticating delayed the start of the meeting.  Meanwhile, everyone
is kept waiting for a moderator to arrive and some give up before he

Presumably, you're are normally the moderator when you attend and so
it's a surprise to the others that it's required and one of them has to
finally take it on for the meeting to start?

I thought by raising the issue, other attendees might be more aware of
the requirement and step in when you're not there.

Cheers, Ralph.

  Next meeting: Online, Jitsi, Tuesday, 2024-03-05 20:00
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