On 7/24/2007, Frank Behrens ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
So dovecot has no errors in this context, but I believe it could be extended easily and that's why I wrote in this mailing list. My hope is, that people comment:
- My ideas are stupid or not.

Definitely not stupid - I hope you didn't get that from my response...

- My proposol is a useful IMAP extension, or we should solve the problem in other ways. - We should extend dovecot a litle bit or leave it, because other mail servers does not implement such a feature.

As a plug-in I think this would be perfectly fine... in fact, when I replied, I had never heard of OTP - it is an intriguing concept...

I do not complain about dovecot, I'm proposing some enhancements, but
may be in the wrong direction. I hope I do not disturb the mailing
list readers.

Sorry if I came off a little harsh - it wasn't intended, and I do see now how this could be a useful feature... and now I see Timo has expressed interest, so I look forward to seeing what comes of this...


Best regards,


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