Charles Marcus <> wrote on 24 Jul 2007 6:33:
> Definitely not stupid - I hope you didn't get that from my response...

No, I did not read your response in that way.
But the email was writte to discuss that, may be other people have much better 

> As a plug-in I think this would be perfectly fine... in fact, when I 

I don't know the plugin architecture, but when it is possible as plugin - 

> replied, I had never heard of OTP - it is an intriguing concept...

Yes, isn't it?. May be in future you will love it. :-)

> Sorry if I came off a little harsh - it wasn't intended, and I do see 

No problem. I'm happy to get so many answers to my post, much better than 
ignoring me. :-)

> now how this could be a useful feature... and now I see Timo has 
> expressed interest, so I look forward to seeing what comes of this...

Meanwhile he got the patches, I don't want to publish them, because they are 
experimental and dirty (a shame for every software developer, but I don't know 
architecture enough).

Thanks to all people, who answered.

Frank Behrens, Osterwieck, Germany
PGP-key 0x5B7C47ED on public servers available.

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