On 9/21/2007, Bill Cole ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
A mailer shouldn't expect to be able to both work directly with a Maildir mailstore through the filesystem and with an IMAP server that is accessing the same mailstore.

Absolutely... but one thing that I have wished for is 'maildir-like' support (ie, storing messages locally one file per message) in TBird for the local/cached messages/folder, so that I could delete a single email on the local side to force it to be redownloaded, rather than having to delete the entire mbox file, thus forcing TBird to have to redownload *all* email for that folder again (in some cases thousands of messages, and Gigabytes of data, if you are keeping local copies for 'off-line' access).

The word is it would take a major rewrite of TBird, so it isn't likely to be implemented soon.

Does KMail actually work this way? This would be enough to make me try it out... although my day to day WS is a windows box, so I'd most likely wait until KDE4 is available on Windows...

Although, honestly I like TBird so much that I cannot seriously believe I'd like KMail enough to permanently switch, even for this one major benefit.


Best regards,


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