On 27 Sep 2008 at 13:22, mouss wrote:

> if you have a commercial cert, you don't need a self signed cert. self 
> signed certs are for people who don't want to get a cert signed by a 3d 
> party (commercial or other). For email, you generally don't need a 
> commercial certificate because your users know you and you know them, 
> and because users don't connect to thousand imap servers.

Huh? I am looking to implement client side certificates which have to be 
installed on the end user device before they are able to connect to my 

I already have a commercial cert on the mailserver so that's a moot point.  
Secondly a client cert allows me to verify that the device connecting is 
allowed, this is secondary to any login info the user may have, ie 2 factor 
authentication, something you know (uid/password) and something you have 
Harondel J. Sibble 
Sibble Computer Consulting
Creating solutions for the small business and home computer user.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (use pgp keyid 0x3AD5C11D) http://www.pdscc.com
(604) 739-3709 (voice/fax)      (604) 686-2253 (pager)

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