
Could anyone give some info on this plugin?
When i read the wiki (http://wiki.dovecot.org/Plugins/Zlib) i'm still left with some questions...

I use Maildir to store my mails, if i enable this zlib-plugin,
should i 'manually' compress all messages?
or wil the uncompressed messages still be accessible by dovecot?
wil new messages be compressed automagically?

how should the compressed messages be named?
a message now has the name '1223224520.2783_1.opensuse:2,S'
how would a compressed message be named?
['1223224520.2783_1.opensuse:2,SZ' or '1223224520.2783_1.opensuse:2,S,Z' or ???]

Last but not least, what gain will i have by using this plugin in combination with Maildir, or will it have more impact when mails are stored in mbox.

Luuk $ dovecot --version
dovecot version 1.1.1
$ uname -srpmio
Linux x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

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